Not since 1986 Snap
Election that Filipinos were more participative when it comes to presidential
elections. The emotion put by every
Filipinos giving their unwavering support to their preferred candidate is so
difficult to describe. Probably, because none among the candidates has the edge
when it comes winning. While current
surveys showed that Duterte is now in the lead after trailing for several
months, it doesn’t mean anything not until election day when Filipinos will
cast their vote. So many things will
happen and like the old adage says “it ain’t over till the fat lady sings.” (More Duterte story here)

The Presidential Debate Performances
If you think of debates,
many of you would view it something similar to debating contests held in many
colleges and universities. Well, sort
of, the medium and form was there but the performances of all presidential
candidates were not superlative. It is
either full of promises or littered with name calling. They were not convincing when you talk of
selling their presidential bid to Filipinos.
It was a matter of destroying each other. That’s the reality.
Who Will It Be
Just for the record, the
winner will become a president of the plurality not of the majority. This is what happens when you have more than
candidates. The same situation happened
when Fidel V Ramos was elected as president during 1992 election. As of this writing, surveys showed Davao City
Mayor Rodrigo Duterte leading the results.
But, this is not the time to rest on laurels as there were many
instances when some candidates lose the election despite winning the survey
game. Remember Miriam's story? (Read related story here)
With a little over two
week prior to election day, supporters of Rodrigo Duterte should not be
jubilant but instead to be vigilant as nothing is definite yet. If you are a
basketball fan like many Filipinos do, you believed that the ball is round and
Mar Roxas might perform a miracle. He is the
administration candidate and he has all the resources at his beck and
call. (Read related story here)
You can still count in
Jejomar Binay and you have to remember that he led the surveys before the
formal campaign period. There are just somethings
wrong with his presidential campaign and who knows he might be able to discover
his problems and might be able to do some magic tricks to win the
election. (Read related story here)
It is indeed amazing to
note that Grace Poe performed well in the surveys as she led it before Duterte
took the lead. With Pinoys penchant for
drama and “fan mentality,” you will never know what will happen next. She might be able to weave another drama with
FPJ in the story. (Read related story here)
On Election Day
It is said that this
election day is all about hope and change.
This is probably the reason why Duterte and Poe are struggling out for
the lead and Binay and Roxas languishing at the tail end. Digong and Grace
represent the kind of leadership Filipinos want and Mar and Jojo are the two
reasons why there is a need for change.
Photo credits (in order of appearance):
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