It’s No Secret that Secretly Married is a Hit -

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It’s No Secret that Secretly Married is a Hit

There are countless Wattpad borne novels springing like mushroom these days but when a novel in the site gets published such as through PSICOM or Summit Books/Pop Fiction locally, then it means the story is a hit with an undeniable cult following over Wattpad. That applies to forgottenglimmer’s Secretly Married. 

secretly married


If getting married under age, 16 and 17 in New Hampshire, for Ken Tomas Fuentebella and Phoebe Bernal was complicated, wait till I say that the former is a young superstar who needed to conceal his marriage because of a legal contract. Technically, the marriage permit is only applicable where they got married and is void in the Philippines though.

But to add more complication, Kent’s co-star Elisa is forcing her way into Kent’s life scheming-ly while Harley, who is Kent’s greatest showbiz rival, is trying to steal Phoebe or Fibs from Kent. At least the extras to this love story added flavor and led towards the main characters realization of the fact that they do love each other.

I’d like to cut that short though and stop dropping spoilers. Of course, all’s well that ends well. Kent ends up with Phoebe amidst their teenage drama characterized by jealousy and misunderstandings which is quite typical considering their age plus the fact that one of them is in showbiz.

Extension and Alternate Ending

Speaking of showbiz, I was hoping for an extension of the book even online but there isn’t any. That happened to the previous book I reviewed, The Despicable Guy

It would be but proper for Kent and Phoebe to get married again maybe after his contract lapses so he’s no longer legally bound to avoid marriage and still resume his acting career. Phoebe’s stage acting career may also flourish, making her understand Kent more once they belong to the same entertainment world. Harley, who took a fall for Fibs can be compensated indirectly through a love life of his own like maybe with Elisa, despite her biatch attitude at first (she changed at the end). Harley can even help her regain her status in showbiz again. Jhone, can end up with Phillip, a cameo character who made a huge impact towards Elisa’s fall and Harley as well as Phoebe’s vindication. 

But an alternative ending, at least for the Secretly Married couple, is to be married again and just live a simple life, away from the limelight. 

This is also the most daring amongst all other wholesome Pop Fiction books I've read so far. There is a very intimate scene (yep! home ran!) but it's excusable, they're married, albeit young. I kinda lingered on this chapter for a while and I actually wanted more. :D 

You probably don’t know what I’m talking about so it’s best to buy the book!

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