Right now, almost all kinds of
medicines are available over the counter.
For example, at the first signs of cough and colds, one can immediately
buy tablets and syrups. Thus, some
people are totally dependent on these accessible medicines and sometimes forget
that there are natural ways to alleviate symptoms of common illnesses without
necessarily purchasing products in drugstores.
In our own homes, we can find some of these remedies that are actually effective.
It is interesting to note that most
common illnesses like flu, coughs, colds, stomach ache, and others are natural
body reactions. These are symptoms that
our bodies show after acquiring something detrimental or harmful to it. Most
often, we just need some rest to alleviate such symptoms. Over the counter
medicines do not actually cure common sickness or illness. They simply help relieve the discomfort associated
with common illnesses.
On Cough and Colds

No amount of cure can eliminate these common illnesses from your body. For as long as you continue to abuse your body, you will always get it from to time. Thus, most doctors would prescribe a good amount of rest and eat your way out. They would prescribe anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and decongestants just to give you comfort while dealing it the natural way.
As for loose bowel movement or LBM, it
is an indication that we have toxins in our intestines. The instinct of most people is to buy attapulgite
tablets to treat LBM. Sadly, according
to medical experts, frequent use of attapulgite every time you suffer from LBM
can actually damage your digestive system.
The tablets work by paralyzing some parts of your digestive system so
that you will not be induced to defecate.
Frequent intake of attapulgite may actually result in permanent
paralysis of your digestive system to the point that you can get poisoned with
your own waste. Some doctors suggest drinking soda and water instead. Soda will induce your body to flush out the
toxins and water will keep you rehydrated.
On Children

So the next time any of your family
members suffer from common illnesses such as coughs, colds, and loose bowel movement;
do not panic. Remember, these are normal
reactions when our body is tired, when you eat harmful food, and a weak defense
mechanism due to poor diet. The natural
ways suggested in this article will help curb common illnesses.
Contributed by: Alden I. Bula
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