is an art and like most forms of art it is free flowing and spontaneous. When you say seduction, a woman comes to mind
because women are creatures with natural charm of seduction that is undeniably strong.
Once she is able to harness the real strength of that power, then men are within
her mercy. For now, you are still trying
to find out your real strength and you just need to let your imagination run
wild – but not too wild!
for a date is like fishing for real but what you are trying to catch with a
fish line or hook is a nice man and perhaps a nice looking façade that would go
with him wouldn’t be half as bad. The
moment you caught your “fish” with your alluring charm and set the “date” to
take place, then it is time to try phase two of the art of seduction but don’t
be the one to fall in his trap yet.
What is dating?
is the phase where you get to know each other better. When seduction was mentioned in the
beginning, it does not mean that you have to do a “strip tease” – that is not
seducing, it is like saying “I’m desperate here”. Make your natural charm work. You can entice
him with your sultry voice and almost teasing gestures and not like you are
going to attack him. He will surely run
away at lighting speed. Seduce him with
all your good qualities. Be extra sweet
without over doing it. Most guys hate
clingy gals.
you are trying to make him interested in you, you should also be on the look
out for things that you like about him – not merely physical beauty because it
will surely fade away with time. You are
on a quest of finding a suitable partner whom you will spend the rest of your
life with. You must be clear with the
reasons why you would like to date someone and find out as early as possible if
that person has the same brain wave as you.
If he’s only doing it for fun and
you on the other hand is looking for a serious relationship, then no matter how
you like him, you better drop him like a hot potato because the things you want
to happen are doomed from the start.

must keep on seducing him with the sweet echo of your laughter, that twinkling
innocent gaze, those inviting lips that will never leave his imagination, and
so much more. What’s important is to
leave a certain impression or mark, not an embarrassing one, for him to always
think of you until he can no longer contain himself and will literally fly to
be by your side. This is seduction in a
very subtle way, the unsuspecting candidate (prey) does not even know what hit
him and when he does, it’s too late to back out.
may not work with all men but still, it could work with some men, what’s
important is for you to learn something about him, whether you could click
together or not. While on a dating
phase, you both will know certain things about each other and eventually arrive
at certain favorable agreement like a relationship, engagement, or even
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