A Recount of the Actual Experience During My C-Section Delivery - BlogPh.net

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A Recount of the Actual Experience During My C-Section Delivery

It was nine months ago (February 17) when I gave birth to my son Vander Dominic and the memory of my delivery just flashed back instantaneously which inspired me to write about it since everything was still clear. It wasn’t really planned. I yearned for a normal delivery. I was on an 18-hour labor yet the dilation was just 3 cm even after 2x attempt of induced labor, only to find out that my baby’s umbilical cord was looped around his neck. His heart rate was dropping low that time so my doctor and I had a talk and decided to do the operation. It was an emergency C-Section (Cesarean Section).

illustration of a C-Section operation
illustration of a C-Section operation
So after signing the waiver, and giving out all the information for Vander’s birth certificate and other clearing stuff, they wheeled me to the operating room where the anesthesiologist injected the anesthesia at the lower part of my spinal cord which stunned me for a bit. I had to bite my tongue as they did it twice. After a minute I felt the effect of the anesthesia as it numbed my lower body yet I am wide awake and aware of my surrounding. They constantly checked my blood pressure while my arms are outstretched at both sides and were strapped.

        I felt some tingling sensation of them touching my skin without feeling pain at all. I was just staring at the bright, white ceiling while they turn me from side to side. I'm suspecting that the anesthesia brought me to a different level or state where my surrounding stood still and I am high up in the air. During that moment, I was praying silently for God to help me and my baby. My life flashed before my eyes and thought possibly of death although I have to brush it off. But that didn't last long, I felt a hard, long press on my sternum ( which brought me from that euphoric state) then eventually I heard my baby’s cry for the very first time. The gargling sound was just music to my ears. Even though I am still numb, my heart was exalting in happiness.

      A nurse whispered in my ear that I had delivered a baby boy at exactly 6:40 pm. I think I heard someone saying that the operation just took 10 minutes. They cleaned my baby and brought him on my side for me to see. The feeling was overwhelming that I want to touch and hug him at the same time yet unfortunately my arms were still strapped at both sides, I uttered “I love you baby”. I was teary-eyed. I prayed silently, thanking the Lord (for watching over me and my baby) and the whole group- the doctors, nurses and assistants who performed a successful operation.

     Afterwards, I heard the sound of a vacuum and I guessed that they are sucking up my water bag which never broke as well as the blood. The anesthesia finally took effect and I blacked out.
     When I woke up, I was badly shaking that I can’t control myself while they are wheeling me in the recovery room. They said it’s a normal reaction of the body with the anesthesia. That was the first time in my life that I was shaking uncontrollably. I feel wobbly then I told someone in a weak voice that I am about to vomit. Then I vomited, with saliva just drooling out of my mouth. Somebody again explained that that was normal. Then I had another blackout.

     The next thing I knew, I am lying in the recovery room and that I felt the first sharp of pain as the anesthesia was kicking out. It was definitely excruciating! They injected me of a dose of pain killer through the IV.

    By 12:30 am (the 18th), two nurses entered the recovery room, and one was carrying my baby. She said that I have to breastfeed him. So she put Vander on my breast and he automatically was able to locate the nipple and started sucking as if he was really born to do that. That was the moment that I realized, I am already a mother!

   Days after the operation were the most painful of all. Every little movement caused pain especially if the pain reliever wears out. I have to have my girdle for weeks to help alleviate the pain. But seeing, and being with my baby… seeing his lovely face, his eyes, and having him in my life in flesh now is more than I can be thankful of! It was a joyous experience. A passage beyond words that I surely will never forget.

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