10 Ways to Improve the Performance of an AdWords Campaign - BlogPh.net

10 Ways to Improve the Performance of an AdWords Campaign

If you're struggling to get results from your AdWords campaign, here are 10 ways you can follow to improve it's performance:

Familiarize Adwords

1. Read a lot about AdWords campaigns and apply what you’ve learned in a practical sense. If you have a mentor or expert advisor, make sure to heed their warnings and advice as they have been in the business long before you did.
Familiarization with Adwords includes understanding the rules and guidelines of the Adwords platform you are using. Becoming familiar with Adwords TOS (Terms of Service) will lessen the risk of your account being banned for any reason.

Allow a testing period for the campaign

For example, 2 weeks and then analyze the results. See where you are earning more from and find out the exact opposite. Boost the performance of poorly performing campaigns based on the statistics while maintaining the ones that are doing well. Never put all your eggs in one basket, so they say. This translates to having a testing period but a limit to spending as well.

Don’t focus on one niche 

Create a diverse network of products and brands.

Utilize different advertisement campaigns

These will target varying demographics. What works for one may not work for another so it’s best to be ready with more than a single Adwords copy.

Enticing Ads

Aside from varying campaigns, ads should be enticing enough to make viewers want for more by clicking your ad and viewing your site. Make sure to test the campaign too as per item no. 2.

Ways to Improve the Performance of an AdWords Campaign

Content is king

A compelling ad will not be complete without a similarly compelling page. Thus, content is king as they say. Your ad will draw a viewer’s attention to your site but only the content will keep them there.

Google keyword targeting

Successful campaigns optimize based on keywords. You can utilize both free and paid keyword tools including Google Adwords Analyzer. Choose keywords with low competition but high monthly searches in order to rank better in the SERPs (search engine results page).  
In relation to keywords, make keywords as specific as possible instead of using broad and generalized ones.

Google placement targeting

This is the exact opposite of the previous bullet. Here, websites for advertisement placements are targeted instead. The operative word is “targeted;” thus, only high traffic sites are targeted. Google provides the Google placement tool as a means for you to lookup sites to place your ads with. 

In relation to Google placement targeting, both text ads and image ads must be applied. Your site is only displayed in Adsense boxes, giving more focus to your campaign. Unlike keyword based campaigns, target based one are less expensive. You pay per thousands of impressions rather than per clicks.

With placement targeting, the previous rules, particularly #2 must be applied. Allow a testing period before launching a full blast campaign, analyze the results, set a budget limit, boost working campaigns and improve or delete the ones which are not performing well.  

Improve your site’s relevancy score

This pertains to the relevance of your site’s content in relation to the targeted keywords. There’s actually no need to use the keywords word per word because search engine robots are able to associate related words, i.e. dog and canine. It’s the overall theme of your site which must be improved to make it relevant to the keywords you’ve selected for your campaign.

Study the competition

Know which sites compete with yours and see if they’re running an ad campaign. If they are, what keywords are they using? You can beat the competition or be on the same level by matching the keywords they use for their campaign. Some of the sites you can utilize for this purpose include Keywordspy. 
With these tips, you are sure to get better results with your AdWords campaign. 

1 comment :

  1. I agree with you, this is really useful. Every now and then content is always important and Google gives credit on that as long as content is written for users not for SEO purposes.


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